Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bayt Al-Sabaya

Bayt Al-Sabaya means: "The Girls' House" in Arabic. And that is much of what this blog will be about. I am an American girl who moved to Damascus, Syria almost 2 years ago to study Arabic full-time, a long-held dream of mine, as I grew up in the Middle East but didn't learn the language fully when I lived there.

Recently I moved out of a tiny cozy one-bedroom room I rented in a 300-year old traditional Damascene home into a refurbished aparment in the Old City of Damascus--and the best part is, my 6 Syrian girl roommates who come from across the country, from different faiths, different ages (22-33) and varying careers (from makeup-sellers to business managers). If I had a stereotype of what a "Syrian girl" was when I moved in, it has definitely been broken. Each girl is so different and I am learning lots. The language of the house is Arabic, but even beyond the language, there is much to learn...

I was just in the States for a brief Christmas break, today am in Amman, and tomorrow head back to my new (ancient) city. I hope to arrive in time for dark-Arabic-morning-coffee and cookies with my housemates. Most of them get up on the weekend around noon, so I may just make it over the Jordan boarder in time. I can't wait.


  1. Nadia, I love your blog, and look forward to following your adventures in the Old City of Damascus. What a cool picture. I'm sure real life with 6 female Syrian roommates has got to be even more exciting than the Arabic TV show you're following on the same theme! Thanks for sharing. Excited to check back and hear the stories!

  2. Inzie! I'm so excited about your blog as well! (Thanks Leapie for letting me know! :) We love you Inzie and are so proud of you for following your heart/your dreams. You are LOVED...Howie
